What is Montessori?

What is Montessori?

Montessori pedagogy - Concept and differences compared to classical pedagogy

Montessori pedagogy is a scientifically based teaching method. The basis of this method is directing the child's attention to the process of independent decision-making. It is based on an individual approach to each child and does not limit the process of acquiring certain knowledge in time. 

What is Montessori pedagogy?

The basic motto of this pedagogy is "Help me to do it myself". Parents or guardians are asked to guide children towards solving a certain problem independently. The goal in this case is not to give praise for the achieved results, but rather to encourage children to be satisfied with what they have achieved independently.

This method also implies the joint work of younger and older children, and as a result, empathy develops in older children, that is, independence is encouraged in younger children. In this case, children are also taught to respect each other's differences, be it racial, religious, national, and the like.

The goal of this pedagogy is to strengthen the child's self-confidence and build his independence.

The founder of this method is Marija Montessori, a doctor, who founded the "Children's House" in 1907 and established the foundations of Montessori pedagogy.

Working with children of various ages, Marija concluded that the educator's task should be to direct the child towards the goal and encourage independent reaching of the solution, rather than direct instruction. Her method is today represented in a large number of kindergartens around the world.

Principles of Montessori pedagogy

This pedagogical method is based on an understanding of child development and emphasizes an independent approach to learning, and these are just some of the methods' features:

  • Respect for the child
  • Freedom with responsibility
  • Customization
  • Learning by doing
  • Group with different ages
  • Prepared environment
  • Focus on practical life skills
  • Independent study
  • Individualized education

Montessori materials?

Montessori materials are educational tools and resources specifically designed to support this method. Materials are carefully crafted to engage children's senses and encourage them to explore. They are made of natural materials such as wood and fabric, and are painted with natural colors. Some of the selected materials are:

  • Sensory materials
  • Materials for practical life
  • Mathematical materials
  • Materials for art and music
  • Language materials
  • Geometric shapes
  • Botanical and zoological materials
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