Montessori Kid's Furniture: Kid's Autonomy presents its collection for Bosnian market

Montessori Kid's Furniture: Kid's Autonomy presents its collection for Bosnian market

How did we come up with the idea of producing Montessori furniture?

For eight years, our journey through the wood industry has been filled with making quality DIY furniture and furniture parts from wood. Our team consists mostly of young and creative individuals. We often talked about the world of children's furniture, decorating children's rooms and toys during our breaks. We even helped each other in making furniture for children's rooms, children's tables or chairs, for example. From those conversations, the idea of producing furniture for kids was born.

This blog post marks the beginning of our exciting journey into the world of furniture making that draws ideas and creations from Montessori education.
We have devoted significant time to educating ourselves about Montessori principles. Essentially, Montessori is philosophy that values independence, research and hands-on learning for children.

What do we want to offer?

Our vision is to provide parents  with high-quality Montessori furniture that encourages children's independence and creativity. We believe that the environment plays a key role in a child's growth, and our furniture is designed to create a space where children can thrive, explore and learn naturally.

One of the key features of our furniture is extremely high quality. We use only the highest quality plywood and wood to ensure the safety, durability and long-lasting value of each piece of furniture. Each piece is carefully designed to encourage children to explore, learn and play independently, all in accordance with Montessori principles. We pride ourselves on providing furniture that not only enriches children's rooms, but also contributes to their development.

As we enter this new phase, we are excited to be a part of your children's creative journey. Stay tuned to our blog to learn more about our products, new launches and tips on creating Montessori-inspired spaces for your little ones.

We look forward to sharing this adventure with you!

Visit our website to explore our range of Montessori-inspired children's furniture and follow us on social media to keep up to date with our latest news and promotions.

Let's create stimulating environments for our children together!

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